Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Day 3: Belle

Today I spent today embodying Belle. I wore a yellow lace dress with a book locket. I got up earlier than usual thing morning so that I could curl my hair and put it up the way she does in the ballroom scene. I discovered how bad I am at curling my hair (the curls fell by second period) but I tried my best.

Belle is extremely intelligent and has a thirst for learning. Today I focused on learning and schoolwork. Due to the fact that it is my senior year and the middle of the week, it was hard for me to stay on task. Though I didn't learn typical school stuff I did learn some life skills!

1. I learned how to alter a dress. Currently in drama I am directing a show, a cast member needed a dress taken in and so I decided to learn how to take a dress in. It was surprisingly easy and only ended up taking me a half hour!

2. I learned how to hook the computer up to the sound board in the drama room. I have been doing drama at Hoggard for four years and never learned how to operate the sound board... Today was the perfect day to learn!

Belle is also known for being outspoken and voicing her opinions. This for some reason has always been a hard thing for me to do. I have always cared  way too much about what people think of me and how they perceive me. Belle is viewed as odd in her town and just doesn't care. Today I made it my mission to not care about what other would think or say and voice my opinion. I did it but I had some moments where I felt liked others were judging me. The farther into the day I got, the less I began to care about what others thought. Today has definitely been a good day for me. I learned a lot about myself and that other peoples opinions of me do not matter as much as I think they do. The only opinion I should be worried about is my opinion of myself.

As far as Belle's hobbies go, I spent a lot of time reading today. It is no secret that I love to read, I am a huge book nerd and I am not afraid to admit it. One of my favorite things about Belle is how big of a reader she is.

Tomorrow I take on the challenge of being Snow White. I am particularly excited to embody Snow White because of what a challenge it will be. Snow White is not as well rounded or developed as some of the other princesses. She is basically the standard for the "perfect woman" at the time. I look forward to another exciting day of being a Disney Princess!

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